Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Time for a little update! It's not that I haven't been painting or drawing anything, I just haven't been scanning and uploading. ☺ Below is a little class demonstration that got wild. It was all by instinct after I copied the initial sketch by Susanne (thank you!). Didn't know where it was going. Once home I brightened it up with pastels. I love mixed media! And yea for making flowers immortal!
(I've already made it into a card. ☺)


Emily said...

I really like this one. Like, I would like a large one to hang on the wall in my bedroom type of like. You are very talented my dear.

W.V.: goodemis

Macaroo42 said...

How big?

Emily said...

Big. Like just shy of poster sized. That would be fun.

Macaroo42 said...

We'll see what I can do. You get to frame it though. :-)

Emily said...

Sounds like a deal. I'm in the process of painting my bedroom gray with brown undertones so it needs something cheery.